Wednesday, April 23, 2014

What is Success?

Well I can't really say, I could tell you what my interpretation of success is. I can tell you what I see as being "successful" and how I envision it but I would not be able to tell you what it means for everyone. Everyone see's success differently. Of course there is a concrete definition that the world we live in would like for us to follow but the reality of it is that we all have different ideas of success. From me to you, to a homeless person or even a wealthy person. All of our views are different.

 I always wondered why some homeless people never try to better themselves and get off the street, then I actually took the time to talk to one. His name was Frank, he had lived a regular life 10 years ago and hes been on the street every since. I asked him why and he simply replied that he was happy. After half his life went away he was stress free. No bills, no responsibilities, and no societal influences. He told me that he was successful. He told me he was happy. Those two statements paralleled one another instantly. He asked me was I successful and I responded "Not yet". How could it be that a person that has way less than most people be happier than most people?

Whatever it is that you like to do or whatever it is that you're good at, run with it. Your happiness might not be "The American Dream", everyone is different. Go after what you want.

Success is the climax of ones aspirations in pursuit to achieve true happiness from enduring life experiences on a day to day basis.


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