Friday, December 27, 2013

Dreams vs. Goals

Often times I here people associate dreams with success. For example "chase your dreams" or "dreams come true".  Not always the case...

   Speaking from personal experience, none of what I have accomplished I have ever "dreamed" of. Dreams are things that are not reality. It is also said in a numerous amount of studies that people do not remember 90% of their dreams. So in theory, the great dreams that you could have possibly had, you won't even be able to remember. Goals are a reality. Every great idea I have ever thought of was thought while I was wide awake. I do not recall ever setting a goal while sleep. I don't believe in "Dream Chasing" but I do believe in "Goal Attaining". Goals are made in real life and in real time. A person dreams when they are sleep. Success does not come to a sleeper. Dreams come to a sleeper. While an individual is busy dreaming, a person is awake somewhere in America attaining there goals. Food  for thought.

Dream/drēm/ -a series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person's mind during sleep.

...the keyword is sleep. Wake up and capitalize off real life.

-Keon Massey


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