Hello to all that have been following my blog or have had a chance to just drop by and offer an eye. I greatly appreciate it. This summer has been quite busy for me regarding the fact that it was my first summer coming out of college finishing my sophomore year at Penn State. My ultimate goal this summer was to be working around the clock everyday with minimal time for fun or vacations just to observe how much an individual could possibly make in a duration of summer months. Of course I set out time for sleep. The first week I returned home from school I printed out 50 resumes on grade A paper and had acquired several interviews and internships from various companies and employers by the very next week. Needless to say, I was in a position where I could simply accept or decline whatever I wanted made possible by a little effort. Prior to me returning home for the summer I listed some of the key tips for landing an amazing internship this summer on my blog. I took heed to those tips myself, I'm currently writing this blog entry from my new desk at Galman Group Realty, 1 of 3 jobs this summer. Hard work pays guys.